Chaotic Symphony

Carousel"> Carousel Elusive slumber, A screaming heart, Searching eyes, And the watchful mind. Gazillions of what ifs, Scores of thoughts, And the emotions that never let loose. Insomniac days, Filled with delirium A rest left for the rest Mental presence constant chimes And the absence of a presence unknown lurking large. Edged words Clawing at... Continue Reading →

False Memories

 "Opaque" A hazy daze The blanks unfilled. Dandelions of time all amalgamating with each other. What?When?Where?Why? How? Questions run amok, Mind reigns supreme wreaking havoc. Experience comes hither bringing clarity, Amidst opacity. Yet trust remains an issue. With no witnesses but Thyself, Opalescence becomes better than the delirium.


Harmony">Harmony The hamartia of mankind But the holy grail to devils Mindless constructs, are they? Not really. Designed with deceit and drudgery, Blindfold Man with the handcuffs called 'society' Manipulating him into believing, following and spreading it beyond, without so much As a word of protest. This buzz about system, What is it really? Can't... Continue Reading →


Different perspectives,each dominating the other. What is truth? And what is not? Conflicting with each other,Which one is better than the rest? Each one with its own hamartia, yet indentured to another... Perspectives raise questions, yet answers they do give.Confusing as it may seem,the question is-Should one find his own destiny or contemplate on already... Continue Reading →


Trapped, difficult to come out Seems negative? Isn't actually Because, Society it is. Ingrained in our minds, Evident in our behaviour Reflecting through the ages Society, it is. Aliens they call, if one hopes to break from the devious chain. Wings are curtailed, if one aspires beyond Redundancy, Confirmity is what they prefer. Society it is,... Continue Reading →

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